Lawyers Committee For Better Housing

100 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL - 60603
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  • LCBH believes that all persons have a right to safe, decent, and affordable housing on a non-discriminatory basis.
  • To that end, LCBH promotes the availability of and access to such housing and supports low and moderate-income households in Metropolitan Chicago through legal representation, individual and public advocacy, supportive services, education, and innovative programming.

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We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things
/ 5 from 0 review

Contact Lawyers Committee For Better Housing

100 W. Monroe
Chicago, IL - 60603

Lawyers Committee For Better Housing is an organization in Chicago, IL. We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things

Lawyers Committee For Better Housing

We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things

We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things

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