Jordan Ministries Inc

5415 Shakespeare Dr, Dover, FL - 33527
Give Heart


  • In today s economy, it can take many years for a credit worthy family to save sufficient funds for a downpayment on a house.
  • They speed the up the process by providing grants to families in need.

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We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things
/ 5 from 0 review

Contact Jordan Ministries Inc

5415 Shakespeare Dr
Dover, FL - 33527

Jordan Ministries Inc is an organization in Dover, FL. We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things

Jordan Ministries Inc

We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things

We have researched and located government and non profit resources to help you pay your bills such as rent, utility bills, and even emergency cash for things

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